Erectile Dysfunction – Common Causes of Erectile Problems

If you’re like the majority of men, you probably think you have to be completely obsessed with your sex life to experience an erection problem. And if you have to have an erection problem, you might think that there’s only one solution: pills, creams, or special equipment for the penis. But in reality, there are many solutions that don’t require pills or pumps. In this article, we’ll explore some simple solutions that can help you with any male erection issue.

An erection problem isn’t always “all in your mind.” In fact, many erection problems often have a physical cause. Below are some common physical triggers. While most of these issues can be resolved with exercise or diet, they may be especially troublesome for some men.

One of the more obvious physical problems with erectile dysfunction is blocked arteries. Although most of us know what a blocked artery is, few of us understand how blocked arteries affect the brain and the nerves that send impulses to the penis. In addition to these arteries being a potential source of erection problems, they can also cause neurological problems with other parts of the body, such as the bladder or kidneys. To avoid this complication, blood vessels that connect the heart to the brain should be regularly cleared.

Another potential source of erection problems is high blood pressure. For many men, high blood pressure can make it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection. It can also increase the risk of kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. To reduce the effects of high blood pressure, diuretics (water pills) or other treatments should be used under careful medical supervision, such as the Ft. Lauderdale ED clinic called Preferred Men’s Medical Center.

Another group of physical causes are those related to lifestyle choices and diet. For example, older men who smoke regularly or consume alcohol frequently are more likely to have erectile problems than others. It is not surprising that a sedentary lifestyle can also have a negative effect on one’s libido and ability to achieve and maintain an erection. However, there is good news here: although the physical causes are more common in older men, they can also occur in younger men and rarely occur in the teen or young adult men. Therefore, while smoking and drinking can have long-term health consequences, they may also have short-term erectile problems that subside once the smokers/drinkers stop.

One last common cause of erectile problems is recreational drug use. Although most people think of recreational drug use as the use of cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamines, these are only a small part of the drugs that can cause problems with erectile function. Many times, recreational drugs are simply taken to get a buzz. Unfortunately, this buzz is short-lived, and the user must then come out of the “high” to find that his erections have gone numb and that his sexual partner is not as interested in him as he thought she would be. Because recreational drug use often occurs when a person is depressed or feeling low, this condition can increase the likelihood of erectile dysfunction in a relationship as well.

An erection problem means that a man no longer has enough erections to satisfy his partner. When he cannot have or maintain an erection that enables him to satisfy sex, he has erection problems. He might not be capable of having an erection sufficient enough to satisfy sex. Or else he might not be capable of having one that lasts long enough or is strong enough. If he has these problems, it is imperative that he seeks treatment.

The reasons for his inability to achieve and maintain an erection are manifold. He could have stress related psychological issues like anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. His performance in work or other social activities could also be affected by psychological factors like anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, low confidence level, lack of motivation, and so on. And physical factors like injury, hypertension, diabetes, hormonal changes like menstruation, pregnancy, and others can affect the body adversely and lead to erection problems.

Whatever the reason, one of the most common psychological risk factors for men who have erection problems is depression. Erectile dysfunction is more prevalent among men who are depressed. Men with depression are less prone to take their sexual health seriously.

There are also certain physical causes like high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. In men, high blood pressure can restrict the amount of oxygen that reaches the penis, which could lead to impotency. High cholesterol levels can impair the functioning of the arteries leading to the penis. Diabetes and heart disease can cause arteriosclerosis, which is a buildup of the cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels.

Aside from the psychological and physical reasons for having erectile dysfunction, one may experience emotional problems. Stress, anxiety, and other mental disturbances are common culprits of erectile dysfunction. Depression is also a common psychological problem among people who are suffering from this condition. The low feeling of self-confidence that comes along with depression makes a person less likely to take their sexual health seriously. It is these mental problems that may lead to physical complications.

One example of a psychological reason for erectile dysfunction is recreational drug use. People who use recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines are more likely to suffer from this condition. Recreational drug use can lead to decreased blood flow to the genital organs and might also lead to physical complications. Other examples of a physical cause of Erectile Dysfunction are physical conditions that can make the penis hard, such as arthritis, penis curvature that are abnormal, tumors, and injuries. Lastly, psychological reasons for Erectile Dysfunction can include anti-social behavior, anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental conditions.

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